The impacts of the arrival of the Coronavirus pandemic in the city of Rio de Janeiro are already being felt. And they will be intensified in the coming months, mostly in slums located in areas with a lower HDI and little to none presence of NGOs and State-backed support projects. Thousands of families will be affected, as well as young people with low scholarship that rely on informal employment. 

Committed in promoting elements that will help easing this crisis, Agência – Redes para Juventude has created a project that will work closely with the youth in 10 areas of the great Pavuna-Northern and Western Zones, mainly in the Santa Cruz, Vila Kennedy and Batan communities, acting in four fronts of actions:

1.       The project will select 20 young people from people from these areas that are most in need, who will act as social mobilizers and content creators. They will receive on-line training and support to become leaders in information within the communities, as well as a financial aid to help supporting their families for the next 4 months.

2.       Each one will create a WhatsApp group with another 50 teenagers of the area, in order to mobilize and transmit useful information, family to family. We will set up a network composed of 1000 teens and young adults connected daily.

3.       Present an accurate picture of the problems the pandemic is causing in the communities. Mapping those who are in most need of the financial aid announced by the government, as well as donation campaigns. Connecting those willing to help to those who are in need.

4.       Soon enough, media outlets will not be able to enter these areas, due to safety reasons. Through partnerships with tv channels and websites, part of the content created by the selected participants will be sheltered by these networks, assuring visibility to these communities during this time of social distancing.

This crisis has already shown that Rio society can mobilize itself more intensely in the culture of social impact. Showing that in spite of the social distancing, pivotal to stop the pandemic, we can unite and contribute for a plain access to information and support to protect their families. With your help, we can amplify this project, helping even more youngsters and their family to face the crisis.

Support us: contact us via WhatsApp (+55 21) 98137-9965



Av Niemeyer, 2 sala 111 Leblon, Rio de Janeiro – RJ 22450 220 | +55 21 2536 2300

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